The Italian partisans have carried out swift justice on Mussolini and other Fascist leaders. They have been shot and their bodies have been exhibited in public squares in Como and Milan.
The executions were apparently carried out near Como by shooting in the back. Mussolini was caught while driving in a car, with his uniform covered by a German greatcoat.
Mussolini, with his mistress, Clara Petacci, and twelve members of his Cabinet, were executed by partisans in a village on Lake Como yesterday afternoon, after being arrested in an attempt to cross the Swiss frontier. The bodies were brought to Milan last night. A partisan knocked at my door early this morning to tell me the news.
We drove out to the working-class quarter of Loreto and there were the bodies heaped together with ghastly promiscuity in the open square under the same fence against which one year ago fifteen partisans had been shot by their own countrymen ╤ Italian Fascists.
Mussolini╒s body lay across that of Petacci. In his dead hand had been placed the brass ensign of the Fascist Arditi. With these fourteen were also the bodies of Farinacci and Starace, two former general secretaries of the Fascist party, and Teruzzo, formerly Minister of Colonies, who had been caught elsewhere and executed by partisans.
Mussolini was caught yesterday at Dongo, Lake Como, driving by himself in a car with his uniform covered by a German greatcoat. He was driving in a column of German cars to escape observation but was recognised by an Italian Customs guard. The others were caught in a neighbouring village.
This is the first conspicuous example of mob justice in liberated Italy. Otherwise the partisans have been kept well under control by their leaders. The opinion expressed this morning by the partisan C.-in-C., General Cadorna, son of the former field marshal, was that such incidents in themselves were regrettable. Nevertheless, in this case, he considered the execution a good thing, since popular indignation against the Fascists demanded some satisfaction. The risk of a protracted trial, such as has been taking place in Rome, was thus avoided.
Milan radio said that a large crowd gathered in Piazza Loreto to see the bodies, 18 in number. The radio, describing the scene, said: ╥One woman shot five times into the body saying: ╘Five shots for my five assassinated sons.╒╙